Many Reasons For
Depression and One Life Style For Cure 


So today I would like to write about the seven causes and cures of depression and how we can root this problem out, and you can help yourself and your near and dear ones basically in today's article.  

We'll be covering a lot of aspects including ayurveda from modern science as well as from the astrological perspective  have reviewed a lot of cases in depression.                   


And have spoken with many depressed people so I would like to present my humble findings in this topic before you all. This is a very concerning topic as over 264 million people are presently suffering from depression, and over 700 million people are suffering from other mental health disorders. Most people rush to the pill the moment they get any depressive disorder or any mental health disorder. But little do they realize that this just translates into money for the corporations, and it is suffering for the poor public so now let's go into the top reasons for depression. What depression is and what is the major reason for it. 


 Reasons For Depression

Our Own past Deeds :

The number one reason as we know is karma. Our own actions, our own past deeds, they come back to us. If we do something negative to someone we better get the effect of it. If we do something positive we also get the effect of it. Someday or the other day we have to experience the effects of our own deeds. We can't just run away just like the state has a law even if the universe has a law number.    

Depressive Events :

Two, the very important reason is depressive events. This is very common as many people go through a lot of depressive events in their lives. And every one of us can go into a depressive event, but the only thing is that it is the way we react to it. And that is what affects us and this is also a very complex topic, but there are ways to come out of it.  

 Neurological Disorders :

Number three is the most important reason which is plaguing the world entirely: two-thirds of the global population are in urban areas.And this is highly concerning as living in claustrophobic urban areas has been shown in modern science to cause depression. And anxiety even other mental health disorders number three. We move on to the next reason: neurological disorders. A lot of people face neurological disorders, of course this is because of karma. This can either be prenatal neurological disorder. That is a genetic or a prenatal neurological disorder, or it can also be an accidental neurological disorder. We can identify these things through horoscopes but now let's stick to just the gross science topic. Now neurological disorders can also affect your mental health, but certainly there are ways to come out with them. So you don't need to be depressed anymore. So I'll be mentioning the ways to come out of it also. 


 Bad Food Habits :

Number four is also a very important reason it's bad food habits. As we know we are what we eat. So if we are on a very bad diet, and we are negatively consuming a lot of toxic and junk food then we are sure to have mental health issues. As we are what we eat, and our mental health is shaped by what we eat. This is a very important thing my dear friends.      

Type of Mentality :

Next we move to the next important subject and that is also a very big reason, this is the type of mentality. We have this type of mentality that is often very crucial for our mental health. So there is a very common type of mentality we have today which is the main reason for depression. There's a beautiful Sanskrit verse from the Bhagavad-gītā I would like to quote here which lord Sri Krishna said, so when we go artificially hankering after happiness in our surroundings artificially. That too we cause depression to ourselves, we cause pain to ourselves, we should look for happiness within ourselves and within nature. When we run behind happiness we become depressed. This is a very simple thing and can even be proven scientifically. So let's start looking for happiness in nature and in ourselves. It's quite difficult, but certainly it's a method to get rid of happiness. It's a day, it's actually a perspective.   

The second, most important reason for depression in certain people is fatalism and pessimism. Pessimism is also a problem it can be corrected and I'm going to explain certain methods for its atheism is also a leading reason for depression. Because atheists will not have a place to rely on even themselves sometimes. When you have god you don't need to rely on anything else except him, the environment around you matters of course living in inhumane conditions. 


Living in Inhumane Conditions :

There's a sixth reason and this is also related to the third reason living in inhumane conditions. Is actually the case for several million people around the world and  large swathes of our population live in such places. And this is also a major reason for depression and anxiety and suicide rates etc. you might have heard that a large percentage of our population is suffering. Because of this not everyone has access to pressure sunlight etc., and it's a flight. It is a design that is made on purpose by this present system we're living in. So we have to come out of this trying our best. If you're unable to, of course there are ways for each and every person. The types of people around you are also they can also affect you if you are weak in your own mind. So if we are weak the people around us and the surrounding things can easily affect us, so we have to be strong. 


Loneliness :

Of-course loneliness is the seventh and most important reason for depression as for modern science. So let's see what happens and how we can avoid loneliness. Sometimes it's because of being a single child, and sometimes it's because of technology. Because today's technology is causing so much trouble. And I'm going to talk about how we have disconnected physically, but we are trying to get connected virtually by supporting the one child policy. In this disconnected world is also a serious problem.  

Life Style For Depression Cure

Of course there is a way out there is certainly a way out of this entire mire so let me look at the solutions. Now for all of you, let's look at this important point: none of the cures are independent, whatever I'm going to talk about now. None of them are independent. It is an entire lifestyle and this is what will bring in change in us. We have to follow the entire lifestyle and not bits and parts of this. 

  •  Feel God your Surrounding : The first thing of course is to believe that there is a god to feel god in your surroundings. It might sound difficult, but it's actually very easy as we are all naturally wired to spiritual consciousness. It's not a very difficult thing if we really contemplate that God is there everywhere around us, so we don't need to be scared of anything at that time. We don't need to be depressed either.              

  • Daily Prayers : so this could be one very important step in moving forward with depression. Of course there are many more solutions that are going to come. All of them are integrated and daily prayers are very important. Daily prayers can give you a strong hold within and several scientific research papers have also confirmed this. The strong mental hole that you get from yourself. And the grounded feeling that you get can improve your mental health significantly. 

  •  Stop Negative ‘KARMA’ To Reaping its Effects : ’Surya Namaskara, a very well known method of yoga, can also help in this to stop negative karma to avoid reaping its effects. This is solution number three so stopping negative karma to avoid reaping its effects is also very important because karma is cyclic the more we contribute to it the more. It comes back to us, so we should try to only perform something that's creating a positive change for people around us instead of a negative change. So we are just sowing seeds for our future. Whenever we perform an action we are sowing seeds for the future. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.


  •  Connect back to Nature & Spending with Soil : The major thing that's going to help everyone very quickly is connecting back to nature spending time with soil gardening and grounding. Our ancient cities have always advised us to ground to remove our footwear and to stand on the earth to garden to spend time in the fields. Which is actually being somewhat thwarted away by the modern generation we're not spending much time in the gardens. But this is actually the most important thing.    

  • Detox Talks From Technology : Instead we're spending time with these devices and too much time is being spent with technology and this is creating depression also. We have to detox from technology and once  go out and do some gardening. So we need to give a break to the digital world for some time. That's a very important thing. Social media dangers are also a serious reason for depression. The comparison that's going on especially with the bodies of people especially among the younger generation is very much worrying. According to psychologists and scientists this is a serious problem, and it is proven by modern science too. So the more we compare with each other if it's actually a pandemic of mental disease that's what is happening nowadays. Because the world is becoming one because of technology it has a lot of positive effects but plus a lot of negative effects. So for people who are unable to handle this it is very much recommended detoxing the talks from social media for some time. At least relax, take a retreat into nature, connect with nature and disconnect from your mobile phones, your laptops and your smart devices. This is also very much recommended for those who are depressed.


  • Clean Up Natural Place :

  • Taking a retreat to a natural place and going to a place where there's only nature around you is also very good volunteering to clean up. A natural place can change you from a feeling of worthlessness to becoming the most worthy person on planet earth. So if you volunteer yourself to clean up a natural place you can suddenly feel so worthwhile. And because some people face this symptom of feeling worthless while being depressed it's common but by doing something like volunteering to clean up a natural place you can certainly make a positive change in yourself and around you also. 

            So try to teach small children or spread the knowledge that you have received. All these things can create a lot of positive effects. They might sound simple and small in the beginning, but they have profound psychological effects for you. So kindly spend some time helping others also. 


Feeding Cows, Loving Cows And Other Animals Also :

The next one of course is well known to several people especially in the west. It's a mother cow and  it is consuming the products that come from mother cow loving cows and cow hugging which has become a recent, you know  craze in the western world. I would say it's a major therapy. You know many people are resorting to loving cows. And they believe it has, you know, a lot of therapeutic effects which it does, so feeding cows loving cows and even other animals like dogs and cats has shown to reduce depression, anxiety , frustration and several other mental health disorders. So it's certainly recommended for everyone home. 


HOMA - Invoking Divine Power : The next in line it is a very important and powerful way of invoking divine powers to solve the problems. It involves burning a lot of beneficial herbs in the fire while chanting wonderful mantras that can help and live in you and improve your mental health. Let's talk about some herbs that can help a lot with depression.                  

  • The first one that i would like to bring into this subject is the licorice root which is known as Vashti sadhu whose botanical name is glycerin. It's a very wonderful herb, and it has been proven to cure depression and anxiety. Its powder can be mixed with a glass of warm water and taken early in the morning empty stomach. It can help a lot with depression. 

  • It's More powerful than most of those poisonous antidepressants in the list and also are jasmine and Indian saffron. They're also very much beneficial next in the line comes good routine this is very key vital to curing depression. 

  • Good Routine :

  • If a person doesn't have good routine and the responsibilities to manage on a daily basis simple responsibilities they're going to get depressed. Further so getting up early every day sleeping early every day is very important and most importantly throw those fake cures those fake poisonous antidepressants. That you know are thrust on your thrust upon you by those large corporations which cause multiple organ damage and nervous damage just throw them into the trash can get rid of them. Because there's so many things that are much better than them who is most susceptible to depression. 

  • Living Better : Will be the next subject i will be talking about an important thing and that is about living better instead of thinking of suicide of course by performing the things that i've already mentioned.  I don't think that anyone will come to the level of thinking of suicide again if at all this thought crops up in your nearer dear one's mind or yourself. You can just think of this small thing, that is we have not created this life, so we have no right to inflict harm upon our own life or even others lives. It belongs to the supreme. It is sacred. It is nothing that is under our control and you know actually speaking life or death isn't in our control. Therefore we cannot take life does suicide mean end of our existence. No suicide does not end existence in fact after one commits suicide they will not be able to move to the next birth. They will be  stuck in a brief period in which they'll not be able to experience anything physically. It is a period of frustration of sadness and extreme grief, and it's a very painful experience for people who commit suicide. It should never be done, in fact it causes deep deep harm, and it's not the end of existence. It continues for a long long time and no one should even contemplate doing this. It's very important we have to save everyone from such problems, and we should try our best to not allow anyone to even think of such things.  

  • Susceptible to Depression : Now we go to the next thing who is more susceptible to depression. I'll just give a bird's eye view of this. Because there's actually a very big topic especially when it comes to Vedic astrology, it is actually a very deep subject and needs a lot of research. The moon in Vedic astrology is equal to mental health because the moon affects us so much. And modern science has not yet reached the level of contemplating what the moon is and exactly how the moon affects the earth and earthlings like us. Rāhu and KET the north node and the south node of the moon these two also influence mental health very very particularly and throughout  astrological research.  This very clearly shows that the moon has distinct effects on mental health especially when combined with other planetary influences like Mars or Saturn.  You know, actually when the moon is very close to the sun or when it's very much close to its north node or its south node etc. there are peculiar mental conditions that come up sometimes they're positive sometimes they're negative. But this is very clear  for a simple overview: fasting on the full and the new moon days helps a lot with depression. Just consume only fruits and milk during these two days and I think that can help a lot. 


So I hope this article was helpful to all of you and  please perform all the remedies that I mentioned in this article. And I'm sure that it's going to lead you to a more beautiful and mentally satisfactory lifestyle. So it's going to be a very good time if you really understand what is present in this article from beginning to end, and you implement it in your own lifestyle as well as help and educate others about this. So that they can be better, you can also share your experiences with people around you,so that you know the whole weight and the burden of depression. The mental burden that people are facing can be reduced significantly the main reason why people are you know committing suicide, or they are going into deeper stages of depression is because not many people tend to listen to people who are depressed. We tend to just move away from people who are depressed, and we don't spend time with them. This is the major reason why the world is losing countless lives in this area. We all need to spend more quality time and even the governments need to look into the ayurvedic side and  and also the integrative health side instead of just looking at antidepressants. 

The w h on its website is very much by us towards chemical systems of treatment, and it completely closed. If you just read a few  paragraphs of what who has to say about depression. Is it is automatically depressing because of the way who treats it  the world is suffering much more. I believe that all the poisonous antidepressants can be avoided completely. If we all pay exemplary attention towards this beautiful system of treatment which is integrative you combine so many forms of treatment, and you bring it as a lifestyle that's the best thing to do to anyone who's depressed.  I believe this is going to give clear short results and  the antidepressants of course everyone knows. But the doctors don't allow you to do that sometimes because they are also you know unmistakably sometimes under the influence of . you know governmental mandates or under the influence of  sometimes money sometimes just just because they also are of the same opinion. So i think we should try to form our own opinions through scientific research evidence-based natural therapies instead of just looking at chemical cures.  They are not cures they are just temporary concoctions that just allow you to temporarily feel happiness or  soothing your nerves. But it's actually a long-term negative thing for everyone.  I would suggest all of you to do your own research.